My Books
Opportunity In Disguise
By Marc Hoberman
(Formerly released as Adversity Defeated)
The things in life that help us become successful and fulfilled can be based upon both positive and negative experiences. Our friends, family, colleagues, and personal decisions all assist us in becoming the people we see in the mirror each morning. In my case, a seizure disorder has taken me on many journeys in the past 35 years. These sojourns have allowed me to delve deeply into my soul and understand the many facets of my moral fiber and the character of those with whom I choose to surround myself. Some may see my illness as a weakness; however, I view it as an incredible strength and opportunity to educate myself and others. I have disclosed my infirmity to fewer than 10 people since I was first diagnosed over 35 years ago. The search for my identity has ended, and, just begun. I believe that I have now initiated the process to seize each and every opportunity not in spite of my illness, but because of it. As an educator, I am always struggling to think of new ways to impart knowledge to others. I wrote this book to remind myself and others of the importance of self-worth and inner strength. It is my hope that readers find strength, humor, and inspiration while reading Opportunity in Disguise.
Available in Paperback, Kindle & Audiobook
The Resiliency Playbook
Authored By Dr. Kasthuri Henry and Marc Hoberman
The Resiliency Playbook aims to be your practical hands-on guide to a self-discovery journey. It helps you to first identify our limitations and then expand upon them to intentionally thrive.
The only constant in life is change. Without resiliency, navigating the speed and volume of change would be simply daunting. The BAN Plan introduced in this book is expected to
1. Facilitate the identification of the Basic realities of your current challenges
2. Formulate the necessary Adjustments to successfully navigate through your challenges
3.Implement the New game plan to fully live your life purpose
It is our hope that we help you push your boundaries to lead an evolving life at home, school, and work; to not just live, but thrive with purpose as you continually grow as a whole person.
“This book will change the perspective for the reader, and allow for the rebuilding of cultural, and societal norms.”
Eugene Napoleon, CEO Nap Vision Entertainment, LLC
“It is a thorough guide to building resilience to help you navigate all areas of your personal and professional environment.”
Margaret Bourke, Assistant Treasurer, Duracell – A Berkshire Hathaway Company
“Priceless gift to those ready for living and leading an unrecognizable life!”
Sally Anderson. Leadership Coach To The Influencers.
“It is Packed with actionable “golden nuggets” for changing behavior.
Robin Litster Johnson, Master of Applied Positive Psychology, University of Pennsylvania
“It’s an empowering read and a true playbook filled with examples and worksheets to enable immediate insights and application.”
Amy L Riley. The Courage of a Leader.
Available in Paperback, Kindle
Adversity Defeated
By Marc Hoberman
The things in life that help us become successful and fulfilled can be based upon both positive and negative experiences. Our friends, family, colleagues, and personal decisions all assist us in becoming the people we see in the mirror each morning. In my case, a seizure disorder has taken me on many journeys in the past thirty-five years. These sojourns have allowed me to delve deeply into my soul and understand the many facets of my moral fiber and the character of those with whom I choose to surround myself. Some may see my illness as a weakness; however, I view it as an incredible strength and opportunity to educate myself and others. I have disclosed my infirmity to fewer than ten people since I was first diagnosed over 35 years ago.
Available in Paperback, Kindle & Audiobook
Highly Effective Teaching Strategies
By Marc Hoberman
Marc draws from more than 30 years of teaching experience in his guidebook that helps new and seasoned teachers alike learn about lesson planning, classroom management, and much more. As the owner of Grade Success Education, Marc utilizes a myriad of strategies to maximize success in and out of the classroom. If you are an educator, then Marc's book, Highly Effective Teaching Strategies: Winning in the Classroom, is a must read.
Available in Paperback and Kindle
A Journey to Recovery: Speak Sobriety
Co Authored by Marc Hoberman
Stephen Hill had everything going for him growing up: a loving family, lots of friends, and he excelled in school – especially sports. Elevated to play on the junior varsity lacrosse team in 8th grade, Stephen was introduced to drugs and alcohol by older peers. He started drinking and smoking his freshman year of high school, and his life quickly spiraled out of control. Before long, he was addicted to prescription painkillers and heroin. The American opioid epidemic has taken the lives of many and destroyed even more. At the height of Stephen’s addiction, it seemed as if it were just a matter of time before he ended up just another deadly statistic. After a decade of substance abuse, multiple failed attempts at treatment, and numerous arrests, Stephen was finally able to achieve long-term sobriety. His story of hope and recovery will leave readers inspired and with a better understanding of addiction and recovery. Stephen is now living out his passion Speaking Sobriety to teens, parents, and teachers at schools and community events all over the country.
Available in Paperback and Kindle
A Key That Turned
Co Authored By Marc Hoberman
Prologue from Gloria Key's New Book Co -Author Marc Hoberman
I was born in Detroit, Michigan, in 1966, the result of a concealed pregnancy. At the time, my mom was living in Alabama, and she was told that if she had any more children, she would be cut off of welfare.
Upon birth, I was entrusted to a woman who cared for me for some years. Eventually, I was reunited with my family; however, I was never truly accepted.
At age 18, I decided to leave home and moved to NY. I worked to support myself and assisted my sister and her family with whom I lived for a short time.
I went on to have my son Travis, and over the years, in spite of family discord, I raised 17 of my nieces and nephews. When my mother became very ill, I uprooted my family and moved to Oho to care for her. She passed away 3 months later. Soon things went from bad to worse.
My story is about overcoming overwhelming obstacles—homelessness, abuse, neglect, lost love and betrayal. It is a story about triumph. I decided to return to college and encouraged my niece to do the same, and we both received our Bachelor's degrees.
My 3 children are my inspiration and my heart. My oldest daughter graduated from Howard University on a full academic scholarship. In 2018, she and I graduated with our Master's Degrees in Social Work. We both passed our licensing exams (LMSW) and I also received my CASAC-T (Credentialed Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counselor) certification.
This memoir is my way of sharing my journey from struggle to success in order to validate, inspire, and motivate others. The door may seem closed, but you can always find the key to unlock your master plan....always.
Available in Paperback, Kindle
My Good JuJu
Co Authored By Marc Hoberman
Honored to be one of the contributing authors of this powerful book.
What is weird?
Is it something to be kept secret, or is it something wonderful?
Have you ever felt lonely due to a belief or practice that others found Weird?
Maybe it is the Good Juju that makes life wonderful.
I felt a little lonely until I began to speak about the "weird" stuff that was helping me enjoy my magical life. I began to embrace my Weird and Wonderful to the fullest. My friends and clients began to tell me daily, "I love having someone to talk to about this stuff." Or, "I always thought I was just weird." Or my favorite, "I used to feel so alone because I didn't think anyone would get me."
We began to talk about our weird practices, our empowering secrets, and our good juju. We each came with so much wisdom within. We simply forgot, stopped discussing, or maybe experiences we did not prefer pushed us off track. The chapters in this book were written by 26 people using their Good Juju to live a life of gratitude for what they have and a desire to continue to improve on the limitless possibilities.
Welcome to My Good Juju!
The Weird and Wonderful Within
All proceeds from this project benefit the Healing Spaces of Haydens Ray 501c3 In Mena, Arkansas